Thursday, April 2, 2015

Unit 3 Blog Entry

Blog Entry: Critique two other proposals from two other students. Give constructive feedback.

Dahni Yusuf: Passing out flyers at the local mosque and collecting donations

constructive feedback: I think this is a great idea, because she is actively and specifically targeting her community members resulting in a direct difference being made. The only type of improvement to be made would be to maybe try and get other members from other mosques to sread flyers to, in order to capture a larger audience.

Bereket Zeru: Making a powerpoint

constructive feedback: While this is a great idea to include all the information, I think that there should be another aspect which is more interactive with the audience. People easily get bored from just watching presentations, so there needs to be an element that keeps them awake and interested.

Unit 2 Blogs entries

A.Did you make changes to your proposed presentation? Yes? No? If yes, please identify changes.


B.What technologies will you use and why?

The only technology I will be using is a computer, in order to present my website.

C.Have you gained additional experience that affects your choice of media?

No, I am very set on using website because it directly relates to my end product.

D.Why did you not choose a different technology?

Because it was not necessary.

E.Identify timeline for project:

Needs to be done by 4/42015

1) What assets do you need to create?

A website.

2) Identify a practical timeline for creating assets (sound, art, etc).

I'm not very dependents on assets, because I really do not need any.

3) Create a timeline for written material, scripts.

Researched information: 3/1/2015
Finished Website: 4/4/2105

4) Identify a timeline for audio recording.

I will not be using any audio recording.