Friday, September 5, 2014

Video Response

What's an IP Address?
 An IP address basically allows people to communicate over the internet. It identifies the location of where information is coming from and links it to where it needs to go. Computers need each others' IP's address in order for them to communicate with each other, just like if your going to hand someone something, you fsit locate where they are, then you hand them the object.

Which statistic surprised you the most?
The statistic that surprised me the most, was the one about Facebook, because i had no idea people still really used Facebook that much or even that often. I thought it had gone out of date/fashion but apparently not since it has one of the highest viewings.

Thoughts on Social Media Website Video
My thoughts on this video are that its awesome. I do not think people truly understand how accessible the internet is to the information you put online. It's a serious issue that everybody really needs to be fully aware of. The video was very well put together in the face that the producer was really creative in how he wanted to make his point. He did not just had out flyers saying the internet is very public.  idethe box, which was made the video well/know as well as successful.

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