Thursday, April 2, 2015

Unit 3 Blog Entry

Blog Entry: Critique two other proposals from two other students. Give constructive feedback.

Dahni Yusuf: Passing out flyers at the local mosque and collecting donations

constructive feedback: I think this is a great idea, because she is actively and specifically targeting her community members resulting in a direct difference being made. The only type of improvement to be made would be to maybe try and get other members from other mosques to sread flyers to, in order to capture a larger audience.

Bereket Zeru: Making a powerpoint

constructive feedback: While this is a great idea to include all the information, I think that there should be another aspect which is more interactive with the audience. People easily get bored from just watching presentations, so there needs to be an element that keeps them awake and interested.

Unit 2 Blogs entries

A.Did you make changes to your proposed presentation? Yes? No? If yes, please identify changes.


B.What technologies will you use and why?

The only technology I will be using is a computer, in order to present my website.

C.Have you gained additional experience that affects your choice of media?

No, I am very set on using website because it directly relates to my end product.

D.Why did you not choose a different technology?

Because it was not necessary.

E.Identify timeline for project:

Needs to be done by 4/42015

1) What assets do you need to create?

A website.

2) Identify a practical timeline for creating assets (sound, art, etc).

I'm not very dependents on assets, because I really do not need any.

3) Create a timeline for written material, scripts.

Researched information: 3/1/2015
Finished Website: 4/4/2105

4) Identify a timeline for audio recording.

I will not be using any audio recording.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Unit 1 Blog Entries

1) The PSA videos I looked at were about racism, gender roles in society, and no littering. Some video's related in style while others did not. I found myself liking the videos that were modern, had some acting, and had some sort of humor element for the viewer while still maintaining the seriousness. My favorite PSA video was Racism in the Elevator because it was well filmed, had good acting, and sent the message across. The second PSA video I liked was one called Empty Seat PSA because it didn't have much talking but only included empty shots and clips of empty seats that had no reason not to be filled. Although the PSA does not seem to be focusing on a serious issue, it still captured the my attention and made me think about how many seats are actually left empty. The video also had sad music that made me get in a sad and thoughtful mood. The third and final video I liked was the It Can Wait about not texting and driving. It included a celebrity, which I though was smart to do because it captured my attention and made me interested in it. The style I would like to apply for my video is modern and something that has a professional look to it. I want the scenes to be nicely cut, look clean, and everything to be in sync as well as fit with each other. (Racism in the Elevator) (Empty Seat PSA) (It Can Wait)

2) When I first began trying to layout the design of the website, it was challenging because there were a lot of components that I had not really though about. However, after thoroughly getting my layout all set up, I was able to envision my website coming together more clearly, and see exactly where and how I wanted the information and components (basic design) to be.

a) Identify the goals of the project.

My projects goal is to build awareness about herbal medicines and alternative therapies that can be used to effectively treat depression, so that people can reduce their intake of Selective Serotonin Reputake Inhibitors, which have been proven to have very adverse side effects.

b) Why is it important and why should we care?

This is important because the side effects are SSRIs are very adverse, and can lead to acts of suicide, which is the very thing that is trying to be avoided. Also, depression is something that is VERY common throughout many societies and communities and many people are being prescribed SSRIs which hurts more than helps.

c) How do these goals fit with your career objectives?

I want to become a psychologist, and by fulfilling my goals I will be able to learn more about depressive disorders which are a major factor in psychological ailments. These goals will also help to differentiate me from others in my career because I will have knowledge about something that is up and coming and something that not many psychologists are very familiar with.

d) How does your project give back to society?

My project gives back to society because it offers them a healthier and wholesome way to help with those who have depression.. They no longer have to feel dependent on SSRIs and succumb to the terribly adverse side effects.


a) How will you make your site, video and print material persuasive? Will your presentation
use comedy and humor or is it serious? 

I will make it persuasive by including scientifically supported information that discusses how herbal medication are actually effective and how they are proven to work. My presentation will be serious with just a bit of comedy because I don't want the judges to think I'm fooling around.

b) What colors, fonts, design layouts, graphs, photographs and other imagery are 
appropriate for the topic? 

I'm going to incorporate natural and soft colors because I want to the website to have a natural vibe to it. 

c) Are you intending to create: 

A resource for my mosque to include on their website, so that the information can be easily accessible to my community.


a) Define the scope or approach to your presentation.

i. Will your capstone include constructing or purchasing explanatory props such as 

My capstone only includes a computer (to show my website on), but I will not be purchasing one because I already have one. 

ii. How will you present poster material (an easel, stand, attached to a tri-fold)? 

I will be getting a mini easel from Michael's around $7.00 or so, in order to stand my poster up.

iii. Will you be fabricating a model or a 3d prototype?


iv. What is appropriate dress? A nurse outfit, a lab coat, a suit?

A pant suit.

v. What are important points to present in your verbal presentation?

Important points that I will make sure to include in my verbal presentation are that all the information is scientifically supported, my solution is healthier, and that I talked to my mosque about linking my website to theirs, but they said that it was under construction.

vi. Will you be presenting a brochure?


vii. Will you be including presentation of the website, video, game or animation?
Yes, I will be presenting a website.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Group Video Response

The most challenging aspect of working with a team was not being able to have every resource at our fingertips. There were many times where we were stuck with the dilemma of not having the right props or environment to shoot the video. Not to mention we were under a time crunch. However, no matter what happened we were always able to pull through and work with what was in our means. Whenever there was a prop that we did not have, we got creative and either used something else and made it fit into the storyboard, or we actually made it. Our video turned out great and I could not have been more proud of everything that occurred as well as our team effort.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Practice makes perfect

It was actually really interesting to see how the artists originally started off, and it gave me hope that I can improve in my skills. The picture with the women and the water dripping off her face was absolutely brilliant and, I could not believe my eyes when I saw where he started from to where he ended up. After seeing the pictures, it made me believe that I could actually get really good with Premier, if i keep up with it and continue to male videos in order to improve upon my skills. I hope to explore these artists more, because they are very interesting to see and they made me feel like I could relate to them