Thursday, April 2, 2015

Unit 2 Blogs entries

A.Did you make changes to your proposed presentation? Yes? No? If yes, please identify changes.


B.What technologies will you use and why?

The only technology I will be using is a computer, in order to present my website.

C.Have you gained additional experience that affects your choice of media?

No, I am very set on using website because it directly relates to my end product.

D.Why did you not choose a different technology?

Because it was not necessary.

E.Identify timeline for project:

Needs to be done by 4/42015

1) What assets do you need to create?

A website.

2) Identify a practical timeline for creating assets (sound, art, etc).

I'm not very dependents on assets, because I really do not need any.

3) Create a timeline for written material, scripts.

Researched information: 3/1/2015
Finished Website: 4/4/2105

4) Identify a timeline for audio recording.

I will not be using any audio recording.

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