Monday, October 20, 2014

End of web unit

1. What was most challenging?

The most challenging aspect of this project was definitely remembering how to do all the stuff. For example linking a video, pages, how to make sure the glitches are not there, etc. The reason being was because I was very new to the Dreamweaver, and although it is relatively simple, it's still confusing to remember because it's nothing that I am used to 

2. What was easiest to understand/execute?

The easiest thing to understand was hot to put a website in. it was so simple and easy to understand because it was all just a matter of copy and pasting

3.What was most rewarding?

The most rewarding was presenting my website because it made me feel like I might actually be a little good at it.

4.Outside of this course, will you continue to improve your web skills for your own
benefit and enjoyment?

Yes, I will definitely improve my skills, because I believe these are the skills to know to be successful for the future. 

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