Friday, October 31, 2014

Video Editing
1. I learned that although a program may look very confusing, it's usually no that hard to use or confusing. For premier, I was very overwhelmed with the placement of everything because there seemed to be a tab for a million different things. However, after a class of working with it, I realized that it is actually really easy and basic to use.

2. The most difficult part was probably making sure that everything was saved in one folder, and while this sounds so easy, it's not. I myself am a very forgetful person and so therefore often time I will exit of tabs or projects without saving my work. However, as the saying goes "practice makes perfect", so thankfully I am getting better at remembering what to save all my work, picture, etc. in the same folder.

3. The easiest part was positioning everything in Premier and making sure that I had everything where I wanted it to be. It was really easy seeing as how all I had to do was drag and drop everything to where I wanted it to be. Going back to what i had said earlier, all though it looked hard, it was actually really easy and user friendly.

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