Friday, October 24, 2014

Video Responses

Marker Vs. Marker
This video was actually pretty cool to watch in that the hand was really fluid and the sketches were intricate. It really shows how much work goes into planning each sketch and how detailed everything is. Without all that planning, nothing would look as polished or "professional". The sad part is a lot of this work that took hours to complete goes overlooked and not given enough credit. It was nice to watch that video and have my eyes opened in order appreciate those parts of the video.

Six Feet Under
This video was really different than what I expected it to be. When then guy first began talking, I seriously thought that he was talking about filming a clip from the show. Not the intro! I have never actually seen that come together, so watching how he described everything was actually really cool to listen to.

FIRST LET ME START OFF BY SAYING I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY LOVE THIS SHOW. AND  I HAD NO IDEA THEY WERE ALL HAND DRAWN! That is seriously amazing! Talk about time and effort. Those clips really showed how the show is put together so well and why everything always seems so polished. It also cleared up why a lot of the scenes were so amazing, which was because they planned out each and every action/detail.

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