Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Group Video Response

The most challenging aspect of working with a team was not being able to have every resource at our fingertips. There were many times where we were stuck with the dilemma of not having the right props or environment to shoot the video. Not to mention we were under a time crunch. However, no matter what happened we were always able to pull through and work with what was in our means. Whenever there was a prop that we did not have, we got creative and either used something else and made it fit into the storyboard, or we actually made it. Our video turned out great and I could not have been more proud of everything that occurred as well as our team effort.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Practice makes perfect

It was actually really interesting to see how the artists originally started off, and it gave me hope that I can improve in my skills. The picture with the women and the water dripping off her face was absolutely brilliant and, I could not believe my eyes when I saw where he started from to where he ended up. After seeing the pictures, it made me believe that I could actually get really good with Premier, if i keep up with it and continue to male videos in order to improve upon my skills. I hope to explore these artists more, because they are very interesting to see and they made me feel like I could relate to them

Friday, October 31, 2014


Video Editing
1. I learned that although a program may look very confusing, it's usually no that hard to use or confusing. For premier, I was very overwhelmed with the placement of everything because there seemed to be a tab for a million different things. However, after a class of working with it, I realized that it is actually really easy and basic to use.

2. The most difficult part was probably making sure that everything was saved in one folder, and while this sounds so easy, it's not. I myself am a very forgetful person and so therefore often time I will exit of tabs or projects without saving my work. However, as the saying goes "practice makes perfect", so thankfully I am getting better at remembering what to save all my work, picture, etc. in the same folder.

3. The easiest part was positioning everything in Premier and making sure that I had everything where I wanted it to be. It was really easy seeing as how all I had to do was drag and drop everything to where I wanted it to be. Going back to what i had said earlier, all though it looked hard, it was actually really easy and user friendly.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Video Responses

Marker Vs. Marker
This video was actually pretty cool to watch in that the hand was really fluid and the sketches were intricate. It really shows how much work goes into planning each sketch and how detailed everything is. Without all that planning, nothing would look as polished or "professional". The sad part is a lot of this work that took hours to complete goes overlooked and not given enough credit. It was nice to watch that video and have my eyes opened in order appreciate those parts of the video.

Six Feet Under
This video was really different than what I expected it to be. When then guy first began talking, I seriously thought that he was talking about filming a clip from the show. Not the intro! I have never actually seen that come together, so watching how he described everything was actually really cool to listen to.

FIRST LET ME START OFF BY SAYING I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY LOVE THIS SHOW. AND  I HAD NO IDEA THEY WERE ALL HAND DRAWN! That is seriously amazing! Talk about time and effort. Those clips really showed how the show is put together so well and why everything always seems so polished. It also cleared up why a lot of the scenes were so amazing, which was because they planned out each and every action/detail.

Monday, October 20, 2014


I will be making a HOW TO VIDEO
1. Cut an apple
2. Bake Brownies
3. Put on a hijab

End of web unit

1. What was most challenging?

The most challenging aspect of this project was definitely remembering how to do all the stuff. For example linking a video, pages, how to make sure the glitches are not there, etc. The reason being was because I was very new to the Dreamweaver, and although it is relatively simple, it's still confusing to remember because it's nothing that I am used to 

2. What was easiest to understand/execute?

The easiest thing to understand was hot to put a website in. it was so simple and easy to understand because it was all just a matter of copy and pasting

3.What was most rewarding?

The most rewarding was presenting my website because it made me feel like I might actually be a little good at it.

4.Outside of this course, will you continue to improve your web skills for your own
benefit and enjoyment?

Yes, I will definitely improve my skills, because I believe these are the skills to know to be successful for the future. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Sight Response

This was actually a very interesting video and it showed me a lot about how bad too much technology can be for society. The guy's place had no decoration what so ever, it was very plain , and it was like he couldn't even think for himself. He also didn't value things like food, interaction with other human beings, or caring about how he behaved. The computer took all that away from him and he was pretty much a walking zombie who's life depended on a computer. He also let the power of his device corrupt him as he took control of the girl and disregarded her privacy or the fact that she said she didn't like him and was leaving. I honestly hope that our level of technology does not reach this level, because it would negatively affect a fundamental part of human life.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Walking on Air

This video was pretty amazing and it gave me goosebumps. Watching that video made me realize just how small we are in this wonderfully vast galaxy. Many times we think that our problems are so serious, and that we're so important, but in comparison with everything else we are so insignificant! This video also made me realize just how beautiful the world is and how much I am missing out on. Hopefully some day I can learn a lot more about the beautiful things the world has to offer.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Video Response

What's an IP Address?
 An IP address basically allows people to communicate over the internet. It identifies the location of where information is coming from and links it to where it needs to go. Computers need each others' IP's address in order for them to communicate with each other, just like if your going to hand someone something, you fsit locate where they are, then you hand them the object.

Which statistic surprised you the most?
The statistic that surprised me the most, was the one about Facebook, because i had no idea people still really used Facebook that much or even that often. I thought it had gone out of date/fashion but apparently not since it has one of the highest viewings.

Thoughts on Social Media Website Video
My thoughts on this video are that its awesome. I do not think people truly understand how accessible the internet is to the information you put online. It's a serious issue that everybody really needs to be fully aware of. The video was very well put together in the face that the producer was really creative in how he wanted to make his point. He did not just had out flyers saying the internet is very public.  idethe box, which was made the video well/know as well as successful.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Web 2.0 The Machine is Using Us

Response to the video

The video was pretty entertaining and eye opening. It pointed out many different things that I would never have known. To learn about programming and how the people used to use the internet was really interesting!

Compare Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

Web 1.0 features limited interaction between the website and the viewer. It is mainly all about the viewer receiving the information and not being offered the opportunity to type in a comment or provide feedback/reviews. Many call this just "readable" with flat data.

On the other hand, Web 2.0 is strongly inclined to interaction between the website and the viewer, allowing users/viewers to to engage more freely with one another. This promotes a lot more sharing among between viewers leading to increased amounts of collaboration and participation. Many call this version "writable" with interactive data.

Web 3.0 is all about intelligence in order to define information which leads to the specific distribution and tailoring of content to satisfy the users/viewers. This web usually refers to the future because of its great interactive and dynamic capabilities.  Many call this version "executable" because of all the different services it provides that are made especially for the users/viewers wants.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Good/Bad Assignment for IMED


I like this website because its all very clean, color coded, and professional

I like this website because it's easy to navigate, currrent, and no to mention it has great shows


This webiste has

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Self-Portrait Project

5 Aspects About Me!

  • Muslim
  • Family, friends, food, internet, bed
  • Adventures
  • Thrill/Adrenaline
  • Optimism